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About Us

Parents checking children homework in the kitchen_edited.png

Information, Encouragement, and Guidance

Empty Classroom

Our Story


Five years ago, Yalonda Chandler and Jennifer Duckworth came together seeking a homeschool community that reflected the values and culture of black and brown families like themselves. Their first group gathering was on a hot day at the local splash pad. Several black and brown homeschool families from the Birmimgham area came together and enjoyed melting cupcakes, kids playing, and tons of conversations!!! 


Since then, they have added (with help of the leadership team) several programs lead by families within the Black Homeschoolers Of Birmingham community! Pushing through a pandemic, they have successfully grown the community from 4 to over 100 families in the Birmingham Area. As indicated by their recent highlights on the Roland Martin and Zerlina talk shows and a national headlining article with NPR, BHOB is quickly becoming the premier source of inspiration and resources for black  and brown families who desire to home educate.

What We Believe

Black Homeschoolers of Birmingham is excited about the opportunity to grow and serve our local homeschooling community. We began this community three years ago because we experienced a lack of representation, community, and enrichment programs for black and brown homeschool children. In a short time, families now feel empowered to know that they deserve authentic community and a sense of belonging. They now have a source of information and access to resources that meet their needs.


We foster a nontraditional learning environment by providing homeschoolers with the community. We also provide support and resources for learners that facilitate community and connection. Additionally, we provide opportunities for engagement to homeschool families through music, sewing, debate, design/child lead learning class, teen book club, field trips, playdates, and Moms Night Out.


Vision: Black Homeschoolers of Birmingham’s vision is to be a safe place for homeschool families of black and brown children to learn, play, and create a community that meets their homeschool needs. Our strategy is to come together and participate as a homeschool community in local activities around us. We will also endeavor to create our own activities and community fellowship opportunities.


Black Homeschoolers of Birmingham Beliefs

We believe in the Black Homeschoolers of Birmingham’s vision of creating a safe place for black and brown homeschool families to learn, play, and to create a community that meets their homeschool needs.


We believe in creating safe environments:

Socially: The parent has the right to determine their child’s exposure to current societal norms.

Mentally: Creative ideas are welcomed (freedom to express ourselves).

Emotionally: Non-violent communication and positive character building are strongly encouraged

Physically: Our children’s safety is a community effort, with respect to the parents parenting philosophy.


We believe that while all belief systems are valid, this community is a safe space whose primary focus is building our homeschool community. Therefore, we strictly prohibit discussion or activities centered on politics, religion, or sexual orientation/ preferences.

Black Homeschoolers of Birmingham (B.H.O.B)

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We may, without prior notice, change the services; stop providing the services or any features of the services we offer; or create limits for the services. We may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend access to the services without notice and liability for any reason, or for no reason.



C/O Yalonda Chandler

1034 Main St # 358 Gardendale AL 35071


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